Author: EmptyJester
Borderlands 1 | Episode 18
Borderlands 1 COOP Episode 18 | The one where we meet Crazy Earl
QUEST: Firepower: Market Correction
QUEST: Meet 'Crazy' Earl
QUEST: Today's Lesson: High Explosives
QUEST: Firepower: Market Correction
12672 XP, $116723
Submachine Gun
Destroy the ammo dumps.
Ammo Dumps destroyed: 0/6
"I believe that One-Eyed Jack is storing a recent ammo shipment in his warehouse. We can't have that! When there's too much supply, there's no demand. Prices go down, and nobody profits. So, I want you to go to the warehouse and trigger a little 'market correction' by destroying the ammo dumps. You'll need explosives or elemental weapons, which are, of course, available at any of my stores for a reasonable price!"
"You destroyed the ammo dumps! Good work, my friend! You're proving to be an extremely effective partner, and I'm so glad you weren't blasted into soup! Now, if only we knew exactly which corporation has decided to cut me out of my profits!"
QUEST: Meet 'Crazy' Earl
Crazy Earl's Scrapyard
Given By
Patricia Tannis
2880 XP, $3025
"Have you met the bearded turtle yet? Crazy Earl? He hides from me, in his Scrapyard to the south. Any time I want to see him, I have to blow a hole in his junk pile. Anyway, he has a piece of the Vault key, along with most of my underwear. The details of that transaction are unimportant, just get that artifact back."
Go to the Scrapyard and blow up an entrance to meet Crazy Earl.
Path cleared
"Oh, so now that Tannis bitch wants that alien hunk o' junk, eh? And you're her little helper? Bah! And they call ME 'crazy'! What have you done for me, besides blow a hole in my back fence?! Tell me that!"
QUEST: Today's Lesson: High Explosives
"Those bandit assholes stole my C-Charges! The explosives must be around their camp somewhere. You're gonna teach them a lesson. They want my C-Charges? Fine. We'll shove 'em up their asses and set 'em off. You steal Earl's stuff, you get blasted to hell."
Crazy Earl's Scrapyard
Given By
Crazy Earl
7200 XP, $9075
Grenade Mod
Collect Earl's C-Charges, then plant them and set them off.
C-Charge placed
"Hah! Taught those bandits a lesson for sure! Looks like you got a little singed, yourself. Oh, that's right! I had those charges and timers set for remote detonation! I could've done it from here, with the push of a button, but I totally forgot! That's friggin' hilarious!"
Borderlands 1 | Episode 17
Borderlands 1 COOP Episode 17 | The One with Rakkinishu
QUEST: Firepower: All Sales Are Final
QUEST: Scavenger Submachine Gun
QUEST: Hidden Journal: Rust Commons West
Quest: Firepower: All Sales Are Final
"I have an amazing opportunity for you, my friend, where both of us stand to profit. You see, the bandits are better equipped than most of the locals! They are a large, untapped market, but they have no demand for my goods! I need someone like you to find out who is supplying them. Go to their hideout and search for a sales invoice or something. I'll pay you a fair price for the information."
Objectives: Search for information about the bandit weapon supplier.
Weapon Shipment Invoice
Location: Rust Commons West
Given By: Marcus Kincaid
Level 21
5520 XP, $10803
"As I suspected, One-Eyed Jack and his men have been receiving weapon shipments. This invoice is encoded, but it looks like one of the manufacturers decided to cut out the middle man and sell direct. I'm that middle man, and I won't tolerate it! Those faceless corporations don't care about the work I do to scratch out a living here. We must stop them somehow!"
QUEST: Scavenger Submachine Gun
Given by: New Haven Bounty Board
Objectives:Find all of the submachine gun parts.
SMG Body
SMG Magazine
SMG Sight
SMG Barrel
Location: Rust Commons West
Level: 23
Rewards: 3450XP, Submachine Gun
QUEST: Hidden Journal: Rust Commons West
Location: Rust Commons West
Level: 23
Rewards: 6000 XP, $20328
Background: "This is Patricia Tannis, calling for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. I hid five of my Data Recorders in Rust Commons West, but now I've decided I want them back. Listen to each one, and your ECHO device will record them. Once you have all five recordings, upload them to the bounty board."
Completion: "Thank you for returning my journal recordings. I know that you listened to them, so now I ask that you apply blunt force trauma to your head until you forget what you heard. Those journals are private and personal."
The Tannis journals continue to document her slipping grasp on sanity and also provide more information on The 'Vault'.
Text of ECHO Recorders items:
Tannis Journal Entry (Day 224): It almost looks lonely.
Tannis Journal Entry (Day 321): Do not expose to open flame.
Tannis Journal Entry (Day 457): Little hearts have been scratched into the surface.
Tannis Journal Entry (Day 481): How long did it take Tannis to hide these things?
Tannis Journal Entry (Day 493): It's amazing that nobody ever ran off with this.
Borderlands 1 | Episode 16
Borderlands 1 COOP Episode 16 | The One With Mothrakk
QUEST: Like A Moth To Flame
QUEST: Scooter’s Used Car Parts
QUEST: Up To Our Ears
LEGENDARY WEAPON: EQ-11 Primal Equalizer
QUEST: Like A Moth To Flame
Location: Arid Badlands
Level: 21
Rewards: 8280 XP, $8102, The Blister (Corrosive shotgun)
Background: "Over in the Arid Badlands, just east of Shine Gravel Processor, people have been disappearing in the night. Some say they're being carried away by a monster rakk, one locals call 'Mothrakk'. She seems to be attracted to fire, and that's how we're going to lure her out. Light the three torches I've set up, and when she shows up, take her down!"
Completion: Well done! That was the most amazing battle I've ever seen! Man against monster! There were a couple times when I thought you were a goner, but you pulled it off! Enjoy your reward!"
FOLKLORE: In West Virginian folklore, the Mothman is a humanoid creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register, dated November 16, 1966, titled "Couples See Man-Sized Bird ... Creature ... Something".[1] The national press soon picked up the reports and helped spread the story across the United States. The source of the legend is believed to have originated from sightings of out-of-migration sandhill cranes or herons.[2][3]
The creature was introduced to a wider audience by Gray Barker in 1970,[4][5] and was later popularized by John Keel in his 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies,[6] claiming that there were paranormal events related to the sightings, and a connection to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The book was later adapted into a 2002 film, starring Richard Gere.[7]
An annual festival in Point Pleasant is devoted to the Mothman legend.[8]
QUEST: Scooter’s Used Car Parts
Location: Rust Commons West
Level: 21
Rewards: 4140 XP, $10803
Background: "Scooter here. Somebody's been really hard on the Runners lately, and we're not going to see a shipment of replacement parts anytime soon. There are probably plenty of spare parts we could salvage out in the Commons. Take this list and return with the parts, and I'll pay you for 'em."
Completion: "Thanks, man. With these parts I should be able to keep the Runners running. Somebody's been abusing them like rental cars. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
QUEST: Up To Our Ears
Location: Rust Commons West
Level: 21
Rewards: 5520 XP, $8102
Background: "Man! You wouldn't believe the crap I have to put up with. And when I say crap I mean honest to goodness crap! Seems as though bandits overran the Rust Commons Sump Station and killed the personnel. Now the dang pipes are clogged! With all that slurry trickling through tons of vermin-infested, rusting metal, it gets saturated with very unpleasant debris, if you know what I mean. We need it fixed immediately, or we'll be up to our ears in who-knows-what."
LEGENDARY WEAPON: EQ-11 Primal Equalizer
Red Text: Unending Firepower - regenerates ammo
Favorite and Least Favorite Enemies
Top 3 Bottom 3
1. Outriders 1. Sera Guardian
2. Baby Skaggs 2. midget psychos
3. ??? 3. RAKKS
Top 3 Bottom 3
1. Loot Goon 1. Scyhid 2. Psycho 2. Guardian
3. NineToes 3. Drifter
Borderlands 1 | Episode 15
Borderlands 1 COOP Episode 15 | The One Where We Check on TK
QUEST: Seek Out Tannis
QUESTION: What are Rakks?
SECRET: Dahl Headlands (not so) hidden chest.
QUEST: Is T.K. O.K.?
MONTAGE: In memoriam montage for TK
QUEST: Seek Out Tannis
Wordage: "If you insist on continuing your mad pursuit of the Vault, you should visit Patricia Tannis. I spoke with her about you, and she seemed eager to meet you. If you hurry, you might find her out at her dig site. Talk to Claptrap along the way, and he'll open the gate for you."
On completion: "Incredible! With your brain, and all the hurdles that implies, you have correctly identified a piece of the Vault Key. I want you to leave this with me, so that I may run some tests. I had one of these, once. Now, it is in the hands of Crazy Earl, along with many of my unmentionables. Do you like bugs?"
QUESTION: What are Rakks? (15:16)
Rakks appear to be highly social creatures with a task-based hierarchy that includes scouts, hive defenders, food processing, and perhaps even long-term food storage, similar to honeypot ants on Earth. They are known to be vocal, howling or screeching to rally a flock when a target presents itself or proves itself to be a threat. They also emit a screech at the moment of their slashing attack.
LEVELUP: (Tyler) Carrion Call - Bloodwing regens faster when player shoots enemy with sniper rifle
“SECRET”: Dahl Headlands (not so) hidden chest.
This is a one-time only chest, only accessed during the mission: Bandit Treasure: X Marks the Spot. Once you get the key and complete the first part, go to the shed at the north-western corner to open the locked door and reach the chest.
QUEST: Is T.K. O.K.?
Location: Arid Badlands
Level: 21
Rewards: 6072 XP, $8102, Grenade Mod
Background: "I just got a call from my good buddy, T.K. Baha. You met him, right? Blind as a bat in heat, and twice as looney. He'll watch your back in a fight, though. Just make sure you yell a lot so's he knows where you're standin'. Anyway, he called me, but he didn't say nothin'. That coot never calls unless he's got a reason, y'know? Would you go check on him? Make sure a skag didn't eat his other leg or somethin'."
Quest completed wordage: "T.K.'s dead?! Man, that asshole never returned those tools he borrowed, neither! Well, thanks for checkin' on him. Here's some money for your trouble, and by 'trouble', I mean you're gonna be in charge of the funeral. It sure as hell ain't gonna be me! Me and the boys'll raise our glasses in his name tonight."
LEVELUP: (April) Phoenix - Killing an enemy causes Lilith to deal +1 Fire damage-over-time to nearby enemies, and gives Lilith's shots a 5% chance not to cost ammo for a few seconds per rank
MONTAGE: In memoriam montage for TK